Our Focus
The Bethel Park Democratic Committee is an active group of volunteers who work together to promote Democratic ideals and to support local, state, and national Democratic candidates.
Why We Do It
We want to live in a community that reflects who we are. To do that, we need representatives who believe in creating good-paying jobs, equality in all aspects of life, and protecting our planet. Elected officials who know healthcare is a right—not a privilege, that veterans deserve our support when they come home, and that education is essential for the future of our country. We will work hard to support candidates who make us proud to be Democrats.
How We Do It
The BPDC meets regularly to conduct business, meet candidates, and determine how best to support campaigns. It is important that our members be active parts of our community, so you’ll see us at events, canvassing, or at your polling place. Being part of the Allegheny Democratic Committee allows us many opportunities to work with neighboring democratic committees to learn from each other and strategically support candidates.
We also spend time getting to know candidates from the early days of their campaigns. We use this knowledge at our yearly endorsement meetings.
When We Meet
We meet the fourth Thursday of the month (except November and December) with a 7:00 start. All Democrats living in Bethel Park are welcome to attend. Join us for our hybrid meeting by either coming in-person to the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building 5100 W Library Road, Bethel Park, PA. or via Zoom. Please email bethelparkdems@gmail.com for the link.
How to become a committee member
Democrats elect one man and one woman as committee members in each of the 28 voting districts in Bethel Park. Committee members are elected for a four-year term. Between elections, new committee members can be appointed to vacant committee positions by the Chair of the Bethel Park Democratic Committee with the approval of the Chair of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee.